Wednesday, 7 January 2015

~*Reader Profile*~

Tatyana is a bubbly intelligent 18 year old with a passion for culture and design. Born in the States - she currently lives and studies in London and finds life there unique and fulfilling. As exciting as the city is she has hopes of one day travelling and working around the globe in even more exciting and colourful places, in a creative field but also while making a lot of money. 

Tatyana is very business orientated she is often immersed in new projects be it planning an event or smaller creative projects like making and selling her own clothing and accessories online. 
Her strong sense of business is reflected in the subjects she's currently studying which are art, textiles and economics.

 Her African roots and her London upbringing have resulted in a strong love for music in particular rap, hip hop, rn'b, afrobeats and dancehall music. When not in school Tatyana likes to design garments and attend as many concerts whenever given the opportunity. Being a young Londoner also means she has the opportunity of being a part of Notting Hill carnival every year, where she can enjoy food, dance, music, culture and bright colours all at once. As much as Tatyana loves many things including hip-hop music, food and fashion, she is very opinionated and can’t stand particular things, like prejudice, sexism and impudence.

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